Keep Your Mind Sharp With Fit Brains Trainer

How is your memory these days? Given a set of numbers, how fast can you add them?

I was chatting with a close friend of mine and we both agreed that since we started adding phone numbers to our cellphone address books, we can barely remember our friends’ phone numbers any more!!


It seems that the same problem has happened since we started using calculators… We are very slow at performing the most basic calculations!!

Is it our age or is the fact that we are out of practice? Probably a little bit of both but the good news

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Phonics Play for Early Readers

Parents are often challenged to find creative ways to get their kids excited and interested in reading at a young age. We know how important reading skills are for children’s academic success and futures. Ultimately, we want to engage our kids and get them to read. It seems to me that one of the key ingredients is the fun factor. That is, if we can make reading fun, kids will want to do it. The question is how?


With the arrival of electronic devices such as the iPad and other tablets, kids seem to be spending more and more time in front of screens (not to mention the television, computer, etc.). But with the digital and interactive technology offered by the iPad, we now have a unique opportunity to encourage our kids to practice and develop their reading skills. Sky Fish Phonics and Hideout: Early Reading are two Apps that may offer an answer.

In this post, I will introduce you to two Apps. Sky Fish Phonics is an educational and fun game for young children that teaches basic reading skills

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Car Racing on iPad

Games on the iPad are always a great distraction and a lot of fun.

Due to my recent addiction and love of racing games, I thought it would be a good idea to write an article about Car Racing games on iPad. Beware my readers, these games are so engaging

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5 Halloween Free apps

Trick or Treat?!!!


Halloween is coming up and you’d better stock up with candy and treats for the little ones before they show at your door.

Now, is your iPad ready for Halloween?

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My wife’s version of fun with the iPad

I have been having trouble rescuing my iPad from my wife’s hands. She has been playing some games on the iPad at times for hours on end.  The worst part is that she showed me how to play some of these games and now I’m addicted too!


More games means less

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