Transform your iPad into a Weather Station with the Seasonality Go App

You may recall from a previous post that I am the official weather man at home. In order to fulfill my role and keep my wife happy, I am always on the look out for new weather Apps.

A couple of weeks ago, I was contacted by Mike on Twitter to have a look at Seasonality Go. This App is not just a weather App. It literally transforms your iPad into an advanced weather station!


While I was preparing this post, I showed Seasonality Go to my wife and she was very impressed with it.

Seasonality Go knows about 30,000 locations in about 200 countries. You can also use your iPad’s GPS

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Weather on iPad

‘What’s the weather like tomorrow?’, my wife usually asks. It is as if all of a sudden my job is to be her personal weather man… Luckily I have become an expert on the subject. Of course, I have the help of some weather Apps for iPad ;-)


We all know that in certain places winter can be very harsh and knowing in advance how to dress or prepare for it, is a must.

Most weather Apps allow you to view forecasts

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