iPad care

I like to preserve my iPad in pristine condition. That is the reason why I treat my iPad with care. But as careful as I can be, s#it happens!! You trip and your iPad falls. Your kids have a little fight to see who is next to play a game and while pulling/pushing the tablet falls. You put it in your purse or rucksack and your keys scratch the screen… ohh noooooo!!!


Problems like those mentioned above can happen at any time and anywhere. The thing is, if it is going to happen and we cannot avoid it… at least, let’s be prepared.

So what can be done to protect your iPad?
The first line of defense is common sense. Do not submerge it in water, smash it with a hammer or use it as a cutting board…
Great advice ;-) I didn’t think you would do it anyways…

The next defense strategy is prevention. iPad cases, covers, shields, screen protectors, etc.

Today I will be discussing some useful accessories for the iPad and iPad Mini.

Back Covers

The Belkin snap shield is a thin plastic back cover that protects the iPad while adding minimum extra weight and thickness. It comes in different colors, including clear or transparent which lets you see the back of your tablet and the Apple logo.

iPad 2 and iPad mini models

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This one is another option for the iPad mini from Tech Armor.

Screen Protectors

Screen protectors are important to prevent scratches on your iPad screen. Also, it is usually easier to clean fingerprints once they are installed.

Screen protectors for iPad 2, iPad 3 and iPad 4

Screen protectors for iPad mini

Tech Armor also has screen protectors for iPad and iPad mini

Smart Covers

Covers are an extra layer of protection that can prevent scratches when storing your iPad in bags or purses. They also help you preserve battery life, since when the smart cover is closed the iPad goes to sleep (you may need to change your config for this).

Covers for iPad mini and iPad 2

The New iPad 3rd & 4th Generation Magnetic Smart Cover Portfolio Case

Cleaning Pads

This ones come handy when you need to wipe off those fingerprints…

Do you use any other iPad care and prevention accessories? Which ones do you recommend?
Please let me know by posting a comment below.