Help Me Sleep App

There was a period of time last year when I had trouble falling asleep. I had too many things going on in my life and some of them were very stressful. Without a doubt, this was impacting my sleep. Sometimes I would toss and turn in bed until 2 or 3 AM. Ugh!!!


I started looking into how to improve this situation. I made some changes to my routine, such as eating supper earlier, exercising more frequently, and cutting down on sweets before going to bed. I also found soothing and relaxation apps I could download on the iPad to help me relax faster and fall asleep sooner

iPad Reminders App

We live very busy lives. We have many demands for our attention and time. Managing it all and staying organized can be a challenge. In addition, while technology is opening up more options to us, it also generates more interruptions.

Do you sometimes forget to do certain things that are very important? Do you need to write things down to remember?


There are all kinds of distractions that may get in the way of doing what you need to do from phone calls, text messages, TV programs, emails, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. More possibilities often means more interruptions. So how does one stay organized?

A good way to sort out this problem is to keep a To-Do list at hand and get to work on it.

Luckily, iPad comes with the Reminders App that allows you to create your own To-Do list. This is a great feature as tasks can be sorted by priority

Money conversion Apps

I have many friends that travel abroad quite often. Naturally, they take their iPads with them wherever they go. Multiple destinations usually mean different currencies, which in turn mean different exchange rates. Unlike travel guides, exchange rates are constantly changing.


If you travel abroad frequently for business or pleasure it is important to know what the exchange rates are between the local and your home currency

iBooks how to

I love reading fiction and non-fiction books. Unfortunately I do not have as much time to read as I would like and I end up reading a lot more while on vacation.

I recently took some time off and went on vacation. You may have noticed that I have been posting less often to the blog the past few weeks but now I am back. I feel renewed, with more energy and new ideas to keep contributing!


When I was preparing for my trip, one thing I thought about was which books to pack and take with me. After thinking it over, I decided to pack one pocket book and of course, the iPad.

On my iPad I have the iBooks App which is loaded with several books. Even if I change my mind about what I want to read and do not have it on my iPad, the good news is that as long as I have an Internet connection, I can download new books in a matter of minutes.

Math Apps on ipad

Math in school. Some kids loved it, many, well… not so much…

I used to love math as a kid. History, geography were not really my preferred subjects but math used to be fun and easy for me. The story was different with my younger siblings. They didn’t like it or enjoy it. Math homework was always last on their procrastinating list and I remember staying up late with them trying to explain them some topics or helping them out by correcting their homework.

Lots of kids do not like math but maybe it’s because they find it boring or because they do not like their teacher’s style. But hey!, this is the 21st century and iPads can help make a difference

PDF files on iBooks

One thing I get asked frequently is how to open PDF files on iBooks.

What is a PDF file? PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It is a readable file format that cannot be modified, unless you have a special program to do so.


We see PDF files on a daily basis. For example, when we make a donation, we often receive a tax receipt by email as a PDF file. We may also receive invoices or event announcements as PDF files.

Many sample book chapters also come as PDF files

5 Free Travel Apps

Traveling. What a fantastic experience!!  Who doesn’t love to get away from home, explore new places or relax by the pool or beach somewhere? Whatever your destination of choice, whether for adventure or relaxation, vacations are always a nice change from the everyday.


I have said it before. The iPad is a great travel companion. To make it an ideal travel companion why not load it with Travel related Apps?

How to update iPad Apps

Software is constantly changing. People discover and report new bugs (software problems) or technology improves and the software developers decide to add new features to existing Apps.

Digital Globe

This is why the iPad operating system (iOS) allows you to update the Apps you have installed. Note, this is different from an iOS update where the whole operating system is renewed. Updating an App only changes that particular App

Weather on iPad

‘What’s the weather like tomorrow?’, my wife usually asks. It is as if all of a sudden my job is to be her personal weather man… Luckily I have become an expert on the subject. Of course, I have the help of some weather Apps for iPad ;-)


We all know that in certain places winter can be very harsh and knowing in advance how to dress or prepare for it, is a must.

Most weather Apps allow you to view forecasts

Music on iPad

I like listening to music on iPad while I work, prepare a meal in the kitchen or get together with friends. Oh, yes, I do cook and people seem to like it… But that’s a story for another blog post.
If I’m busy doing something else, then I don’t want to get distracted and spend time selecting or changing songs.


I know. It’s called radio. There’s a million radios out there.

But what if there is another option? Like a personal DJ. Someone that plays music according to my mood, time of day or my taste…

The App exists! it’s called